I am tired of talking about COVID-19 and “the pandemic” at work.  We all know the devastating toll this virus has taken on people’s health, global economies, and how we live our lives.  But aside from facilitating technology and environments that can keep business moving there is not a lot most of us can do about it.

The reality is we need to focus more on what we have learned over the past few months and how we can address our issues going forward.  In a hyperconnected physical world it is unlikely we will never again see a potential disrupter of this sort.  And in a hyperconnected technical world we run other risks which can cause great disruption. Candidly, we have been fortunate to dodge a lot of bullets in the past few decades.

As examples, here are a few of the lessons learned we might consider:

  • The largest work from home proof-of-concept has shown us that remote work is more feasible than many believed, provided you have the right tools, processes, and infrastructure.
  • Disaster recovery and business continuity plans cover far more scenarios than many organizations believed.  The risk factor we once applied to potential pandemics when planning was probably far too low.
  • The cloud is not only viable, it is as advantageous in its availability and flexibility as advertised.
  • Technology decisions either advantage or disadvantage your organization.  This includes who is supporting them.  

Most of us have known the risks relative to the mainframe for a long time.  An aging workforce, lack of business agility, and high cost are not new news.  This pandemic has simply turned on a light so bright that there is no where you can stick your head to avoid it.

These issues were going to come to  light for every organization eventually. The past few months have simply put them front and center for all of us.  And “all of us” includes technology stewards and business owners alike.  Take advantage of this illumination and have the critical discussions about how you can make decisions to ensure your organization is positioned for whatever the future brings.

Astadia has successfully completed more than 200 mainframe modernization projects over 27 plus years.  We can help you assess your options, develop a plan, and successfully break free of your mainframe.

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