Banca March is a Spanish financial organization and the leading independent bank in the Balearic Islands. The company has completed the modernization of their primary software systems using the Astadia Migration Factory. The project consisted in replacing the bank’s IDMS network database with an IBM DB2 database and an updated relational database model.

The Project

Banca March’s key application ran on a mainframe platform and used IDMS (Integrated Database Management System) network database system. IDMS has its origins in the 1960s, and today it no longer meets the integration and maintenance needs of modern information systems. Nevertheless, it is still frequently used in the finance, telecom, and manufacturing industries.

After the initial assessment and planning phases, Astadia Europe (Anubex) calibrated the migration and testing tools and delivered the first migrations from the Factory. Having had a complex structure of 7 million lines of COBOL and ADS, the application system was split into ten separate clusters.  

Learn more about the Astadia Migration Factory and how it can help your team to automatically migrate business applications.

Astadia successfully designed the technical migration process and completed the migration for the first three clusters. The technical migration of the last seven clusters were executed by the Banca March team using the Factory tools and support.

The Benefits

Some of the benefits of the methodology and the migration and testing tools we used include:

  • Minimal risks  
  • Minimal change management
  • No business interruption
  • Project with a short duration
  • No user re-training, as the migrated application is functionally equivalent to the original application

Need advice on your digital transformation project? Get in touch with our experts and learn how we can help your organization migrate business applications in a seamless, automated process.

About the client

Banca March is a Spanish family-owned financial institution headquartered in Palma de Mallorca, founded in 1926. Read more at

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