The Challenge

How do we modernize a web experience that lives within an outdated content management system? How do we improve usability, while retaining the rigid structure dictated by HP’s web standards? How do we make online support friendly and easy-to-use—and do it all within phased enhancements?

The Solution

We began with basic research, initial recommendations, and a quick refresh of the existing experience that adhered to HP’s strict brand and web standards. Then, with the support of data gathered from in-depth global user testing and usability studies, we made sweeping recommendations to bypass the restrictive HP web standards to create a more usable support site that followed more modern, industry-leading best practices.

Because of the importance of customer care to HP’s core business, HP agreed to suspend the normal restrictions in favor of a better customer experience, with a strong emphasis on a self-assist strategy. We designed and developed the new support experience with an enhanced view into site metrics, which allows us to continuously measure results and make adjustments to the site as necessary. We handled the design in a phased approach, allowing for focus on key issues and optimal solutions for each section.


Users are now able to navigate HP’s online self-help sections with ease, identify ways of troubleshooting their technical problems without getting lost or frustrated, and download product support assets like drivers, manuals, or specs without confusion.

  • Positive customer feedback about improved look and feel and iconography
  • Increased organic search engine traffic
  • Reduction in assisted support calls and emails
  • The improved site earned vastly improved CSAT scores(a measurement of a customer’s ability to get the help they need)
  • 5% Decrease in unassisted customer dissatisfaction (DSAT) in 10months post-launch of first release of redesigned experience

About the client

The Hewlett-Packard Company or Hewlett-Packard was an American multinational information technology company headquartered in Palo Alto, California.

Industry: Computing, Data storage, Networking hardware, software, services
Use Cases: Web development, Application Modernization, Mainframe Modernization
Result: A user friendly online support application that was well received by customers

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