How It Works


You send a sample of COBOL code


We put it through our fully automated platform - nothing manual!


You receive 100% maintainable Java or C# in just 24 hours

Best of all, the Challenge is FREE. All we want is the opportunity to prove what FastTrack can do for your business.
Vector Image representing blocks of code
Image of multiple developers coding on a computer

Your Challenges Today

  • COBOL developers retiring

  • Lack of business agility

  • Mainframe costs skyrocketing

The Astadia FastTrack Solution


Achieve 60-80% annual cost savings leveraging cloud versus mainframe


Rapidly refactor COBOL to highly maintainable Java or C#


Land in a cloud-native environment free of dependencies from a legacy platform without any vendor lock-in

We’ve helped organizations like these modernize and accelerate digital transformation:

Complete Automation

Only Astadia’s FastTrack Factory can achieve highly scalable 100%, well actually 99.9962%, automated code refactoring. 

We can convert your COBOL to Java and C# faster, easier and more efficiently than anyone else.  And we can prove it.

Try it Out
Vector image representing Astadia's complete automation
Vector Image of the Astadia Logo

The Astadia FastTrack Platform is a collection of tools, processes and technologies to accelerate and standardize a successful mainframe migration project. Learn more >

Put Your Project on Autopilot

Automating your entire mainframe migration process can save you as much as 60-90% of the project cost, minimize risk and ensure your project success.


Automatically convert legacy applications to Java or C# and to leading relational databases


Rapidly Migrate Mainframe Applications to the Cloud - 100% automation of legacy code and databases 


Automate the testing of online and batch mainframe applications 

Just Give Us 24 Hours

See for yourself how much faster, easier and more efficient COBOL to Java and C# transformation can be. Fill in the form to get started. An Astadia expert will contact you shortly.

Image of skyscrapers and a cloudy sky

Take the Astadia 24 Hour Challenge Today