We are happy to announce the general availability of TestMatch release v5.0!

TestMatch is a transaction content comparison tool that provides automatic testing of mainframe OLTP (terminal based Online Transaction Processing applications). It can be used to facilitate the migration of such legacy applications to open systems, or it can provide an automated regression test suite for an application.

Here are the most notable new features of the TestMatch new release. Where applicable, the TestMatch User Guide has also been updated to describe these features in more detail.

Projects Settings & Replay Dialogs

Project Settings and Replay dialogs have been thoroughly reviewed for usability:

  • Topics are categorized more logically and options are hidden if not relevant for a given customer/setup.
  • Server Settings that used to be part of the Replay Dialog can now be saved as part of Project Settings, and referenced by name from within the Replay Dialog and Proxy Recorder. This allows you to create, label and re-use different sets of server settings, share them with your collaborators, save them in backup files, etc. Existing configurations can be easily upgraded.
Repository Connection Panel

The Repository Connection panel has been reworked to make it easier to create, organize and switch between multiple TestMatch repositories.

Text Search and Replace Dialog

Text Search and Replace has been greatly improved. All typical search options are now available:  

  • Case sensitivity
  • Whole word search
  • Regular expression search
BugTracking Integration

TestMatch now has support for bug tracking integration:

  • Create and track tickets directly from inside TestMatch.
  • Automatically add TestMatch reference information and difference description as attachment to the ticket.
  • Review tickets per scenario/session/message

Initial support is limited to Bugzilla: additional ticketing systems will be added in the future releases.

There is More

While the above are the most visible changes in v5.0, many other notable improvements have been made:

  • A new “route” feature describes the logical steps (input data, PF keys) to arrive at a certain difference (terminals only). Allows export to PDF, HTML and the new bug tracking system.
  • TN3270 communication has been rewritten from scratch. This leads to much improved standards compliancy of Proxy Recording and Replay over TN3270.
  • TestMatch comes with new installers. For Windows, a native MSI is available. For Linux, native installers are available for both Red Hat and Debian. On Windows Task Manager, TestMatch will be identifiable as native executable.
  • Various memory consumption and performance optimizations were applied.
  • TestMatch now runs on Java 11 (OpenJDK).

For a full list, see the file app/release.html in the TestMatch installation directory.

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