Many of today’s mainframe applications that were developed in SAG Natural and Adabas are still mission critical and continue to deliver significant benefits to the organizations that use and rely upon them. Nevertheless, the Total Cost of Ownership and technological risk associated with these applications have now escalated to unsustainable levels. CodeTurn for Natural migrations provides an opportunity to liberate these valuable and reliable business systems from their dependency upon non-strategic, legacy technologies and enable them to be integrated with state of the art components. Our CodeTurn tool supports COBOL, Java and C# as target languages.
CodeTurn for Natural takes any application developed in Natural and automatically transforms it into a fully identical application, designed to run within an alternative environment on the same platform, or a different platform altogether. The new application is completely free of dependencies on Natural technology and, instead, uses modern and industry standard development tools such as Java, .NET, and COBOL to allow flexible application integration and extension.
The Astadia migration process utilizes Natural’s SYSTRANS output format to migrate the Natural artifacts. This approach largely isolates the conversion from the underlying system, therefore every Natural platform is supported.
A converted application can run on Open Systems running Linux, Unix or Windows (LUW), or in the Cloud. The chosen target platform is simply selected as a configuration option during the conversion process.
Additional automation tools handle the transformation of other source types, such as JCL, Assembler and COBOL programs etc., thus ensuring that the entire application runs on the new platform.
End-users can connect to the application with either a web‑browser or their current Terminal Emulator.
The Terminal Emulator can optionally be retained for connection to the migration application, which enables the switch-over to be 100% transparent to end-users.
Many Natural mainframe applications are enhanced or integrated through third party screen-scraping technology. Astadia conversions provide byte-to-byte compatibility with the existing mainframe protocols, therefore screen-scrapers remain compatible even on Open Systems.
The Adabas, VSAM or DB2 data and structures are migrated to an RDBMS using DataTurn. The data access statements in the Natural code use IO Modules to access the RDBMS, and these are also generated by DataTurn. Using IO Modules abstracts the specifics of the underlying RDBMS from the application.
The Java code that is generated through CodeTurn can be parametrized to best integrate within the customer development environment.
Natural is recognized as a rich and powerful development environment. The Astadia Natural migration tools provide support for advanced Natural language features, including:
The Adabas database and all its data are migrated automatically to a relational database (RDBMS).
The converted application is tested with TestMatch and DataMatch. Using these tools significantly reduces the time and effort needed to complete the project:
CodeTurn Natural to COBOL Fact Sheet
CodeTurn Natural to C# Fact Sheet
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